Y. Meng, H. Li, M. Ornik, and X. Li, "Koopman-Based Data-Driven Techniques for Adaptive Cruise Control System Identification," submitted to IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), under review.
Y. Meng, R. Zhou, M. Ornik, and J. Liu, "Koopman-Based Learning of Infinitesimal Generators without Operator Logarithm," submitted to IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), under review.
R. Zhou, M. Fitzsimmons, Y. Meng, and J. Liu, "Physics-Informed Extreme Learning Machine Lyapunov Functions," submitted to IEEE Control Systems Letters, under review.
Y. Meng, T. Shafa, J. Wei, and M. Ornik, "Online Learning and Control Synthesis for Reachable Paths of Unknown Nonlinear Systems," submitted to IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, under review.
J. Liu, Y. Meng, M. Fitzsimmons, and R. Zhou, "Physics-Informed Neural Network Lyapunov Functions: PDE Characterization, Learning, and Verification", submitted to Automatica, under review.
Y. Meng, R. Zhou, and J. Liu, "Learning Regions of Attraction in Unknown Dynamical Systems via Zubov-Koopman Lifting: Regularities and Convergence," submitted to IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, under review.
Y. Meng, N.S. Namachchivaya, and N. Perkowski, "Almost Sure Asymptotic Stability of Parabolic SPDEs with Small Multiplicative Noise: With Application to the Perturbed Moore-Greitzer Model," submitted to Dynamical Systems: An International Journal, under review.
C. Wang, Y. Meng (equal contribution), Y. Li, S.L. Smith, and J. Liu, "Learning Control Barrier Functions with High Relative Degree for Safety-Critical Control," submitted to European Journal of Control, under review.
Journal Articles
(TAC'23) Y. Meng and J. Liu, "Stochastic Lyapunov-Barrier Functions for Robust Probabilistic Reach-Avoid-Stay Specifications," IEEE Transitions on Automatic Control, to appear, 2024.
(OJCSYS'23) Y. Meng and J. Liu, "Robustly Complete Finite-State Abstractions for Control Synthesis of Stochastic Systems," IEEE Open Journal of Control Systems, Vol. 2 (pp.235-248), 2023.
(JNLS'23) Y. Meng, N.S. Namachchivaya, and N. Perkowski, "Hopf Bifurcations of Moore-Greitzer PDE Model with Additive Noise," Journal of Nonlinear Science, Vol. 33 (74), 2023.
(NAHS'23) Y. Meng and J. Liu, "Lyapunov-Barrier Characterization of Robust Reach-Avoid-Stay Specifications for Hybrid Systems," Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, Vol. 49 (101340), 2023.
(Automatica'22) Y. Meng, Y. Li, M. Fitzsimmons, and J. Liu, "Smooth Converse Lyapunov- Barrier Theorems for Asymptotic Stability with Safety Constraints and Reach-Avoid-Stay Specifications," Automatica, Vol. 144 (110478), 2022.
Machine Learning Conference Articles
(ICML'24) Y. Meng, R.Zhou (equal contribution), A.Mukherjee, M.Fitzsimmons, C.Song, and J.Liu, "Physics-Informed Neural Policy Iteration: Algorithms, Convergence, and Verification", International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), accepted, 2024.
Refereed Conference Articles
(ADHS'24) J. Liu, Y. Meng, and R. Zhou, "LyZNet with Control: Physics-Informed Neural Network Control of Nonlinear Systems with Formal Guarantees", IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems (ADHS), to appear, 2024.
(ACC'24-2) Y. Meng, R. Zhou, and J. Liu, "Zubov-Koopman Learning of Maximal Lyapunov Functions," American Control Conference (ACC), to appear, 2024.
(ACC'24-1) J. Liu, Y. Meng, M. Fitzsimmons, and R. Zhou, "Compositionally Verifiable Vector Neural Lyapunov Functions for Stability Analysis of Interconnected Nonlinear Systems," American Control Conference (ACC), to appear, 2024.
(HSCC'24) J. Liu, Y. Meng, M. Fitzsimmons, and R. Zhou, "LyZNet: A Lightweight Python Tool for Learning and Verifying Neural Lyapunov Functions and Regions of Attraction," ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems, Computation and Control (HSCC), to appear, 2024.
(IUTAM'23) Y. Meng, N.S. Namachchivaya, and N. Perkowski, "Asymptotic Approximation of the Maximal Lyapunov Exponent of Moore-Greitzer PDE model with Multiplicative Noise close to Stall Bifurcation," International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics for design of mechanical systems across different length/time scales, to appear, 2023.
(CDC'23) J. Liu, Y. Meng, M. Fitzsimmons, and R. Zhou, "Towards Learning and Verifying Maximal Neural Lyapunov Functions," IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2023.
(CDC'22) C. Wang, Y. Meng (equal contribution), S.L. Smith, and J. Liu, "Data-Driven Learning of Safety-Critical Control with Stochastic Control Barrier Functions," IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2021.
(FORMATS'22) Y. Meng and J. Liu, “Robustly Complete Finite-State Abstractions for Verification of Stochastic Systems," Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems 20th International Conference (FORMATS), 2022.
(ACC'22) Y. Meng and J. Liu, "Sufficient Conditions for Robust Probabilistic Reach-Avoid-Stay Specifications using Stochastic Lyapunov-Barrier Functions," American Control Conference (ACC), 2022.
(CDC'21) C. Wang, Y. Meng (equal contribution), S.L. Smith, and J. Liu, “Safety-Critical Control of Stochastic Systems using Stochastic Control Barrier Functions," IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2021.
(ECC'21) C. Wang, Y. Meng, Y. Li, S.L. Smith, and J. Liu, "Learning Control Barrier Functions with High Relative Degree for Safety-Critical Control," European Control Conference (ECC), 2021.
(ACC'21) Y. Meng, Y. Li, and J. Liu, "Control of Nonlinear Systems with Reach-Avoid-Stay Specifications: A Lyapunov-Barrier Approach with an Application to the Moore-Greizer Model," American Control Conference (ACC), 2021.
(Ph.D. Thesis) Y. Meng, "Bifurcation and Robust Control of Instabilities in the Presence of Uncertainties", Ph.D. Thesis, University of Waterloo, October 2022.
Other Research Articles
(Energy'19) J. Sachs, Y. Meng, S. Giarola, and A. Hawkes, "An agent-based model for energy investment decisions in the residential sector", Energy, Vol. 172, 2019.
(Energy&Fuels'16) N. Jin, G. Wang, S. Han, Y. Meng, C.Xu, and J. Gao, "Hydroconversion Behavior of Asphaltenes under Liquid-Phase Hydrogenation Conditions," Journal of Energy & Fuels, Vol. 30, 2016.

Last updated: May 03, 2024